• Question: Do you ever wonder "what if I had done othe I am "research" do you ever want to try other types of research.Also, do you ever get schtick about going to Uni abroad. Good taste in Music by the way, thanks for saving us from the cliche science joke,

    Asked by oli1falcon to Liv on 15 Mar 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Olivia Hibbitt

      Olivia Hibbitt answered on 15 Mar 2010:

      Thanks oli1falcon!
      Umm I don’t get any schtick for going to Uni abroad. In fact in NZ and Australia it looks really good if you’ve gone overseas, a lot of people back home won’t employ someone who has not had overseas experience. We call it the OE and EVERYBODY does it, you are thought of as very weird if you don’t get out and see the world. As for wondering about doing something else. This happens to me on an almost daily basis. Something won’t work and I’ll thing &*%*$*£ this, I’m doing something else….then I’ll sit down…..think about what I want to do…..realise I’m doing exactly what I want to do……go back into the lab and set up the experiment again. I really like cardiovascular research, it’s just cool, the heart is cool, the vasculature is so intracate and the balance in the system is so impressive, there is nothing else I’d rather be doing!
