• Question: Does your work benefit any group of people in particular?

    Asked by frogger to Chris, Kay, Kerstin, Lorna, Liv on 17 Mar 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Kerstin Zechner

      Kerstin Zechner answered on 17 Mar 2010:

      My research doesn’t directly benefit people as it is basic research – trying to understand how a cellular process works rather than finding an application for something. Indirectly, I’d hope that it would eventually find some kind of application that would be researched by another lab.

    • Photo: Kay Penicud

      Kay Penicud answered on 18 Mar 2010:

      Hopefully in the long run it will benefit people with cancer

    • Photo: Olivia Hibbitt

      Olivia Hibbitt answered on 18 Mar 2010:

      Hey Frogger….great chatting with you yesterday!

      My work initially will benefit people with FH….that is about 100 000 people in the UK. But the stuff I find out in my research could also help people who just have high cholesterol…about 3 million people. My work could also benefit other people with genetic conditions…..the gene that I can use in my system can be any gene really!

    • Photo: Chris Needham

      Chris Needham answered on 19 Mar 2010:

      No specific group. Hopefully one day it’ll be useful in many areas, and will benefit us all.
