• Question: Hi, How Are You? Why Did You Decide To Be A Scientist? What Kind Of Scientist Are You?

    Asked by hszpytman to Chris, Kay, Kerstin, Lorna, Liv on 16 Mar 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Kay Penicud

      Kay Penicud answered on 16 Mar 2010:

      I knew I wanted to study science at uni when I was in sixth form, and that was because I am fascinated by how our bodies work.

      I only knew I wanted to be a scientist when I was in the middle of my degree and found I loved research. A professor once said to me ‘ours in the only job in the world where not only do we learn something new every week, but we learn something in the world that no-one else has ever known’. That’s why I love science, it can be very frustrating but its soooo interesting!

      I am a cancer scientist.

    • Photo: Kerstin Zechner

      Kerstin Zechner answered on 17 Mar 2010:

      Hey hszptyman, I’m fine, how are you? 🙂
      I decided to be a scientist at uni, because through other people being enthusiastic about science around me, I became really passionate about science too. At the moment I’d consider myself a researcher in genetics. I look at how you get a protein from a gene.
