• Question: Is there a gay gene? Do you believe that you could get a pretty good idea of someone\'s personality by there genome?

    Asked by timrichards to Chris, Kay, Kerstin, Lorna, Liv on 17 Mar 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Kerstin Zechner

      Kerstin Zechner answered on 17 Mar 2010:

      There is no gay gene, although some labs have stated to have found one. It may be that many genes act together in “making” someone gay. Personality has more to do with the environment we grow up in rather than with the genes, although intelligence has been shown to be heritable.

    • Photo: Kay Penicud

      Kay Penicud answered on 18 Mar 2010:

      There is not a ‘gay gene’

      i think looking at someones genome gives you a better idea of any diseases they are likely to develop not so much their personality. thats more shaped by your experiences and upbringing!

    • Photo: Olivia Hibbitt

      Olivia Hibbitt answered on 19 Mar 2010:

      Hi tim,

      great chatting with you today!! Umm I don’t think there is a gay gene….maybe there is something that MIGHT make people prefer sexual partners of the same sex, but does it really matter? I don’t think that genomes can really tell us much about people’s personality…..I think environment plays a huge role in how we turn out! If anything there is probably a very complex interplay between genes and environment that would be impossible to predict just from looking at variation in someones genes!
