• Question: What exactly are you researching at the moment?

    Asked by oliver to Kerstin on 15 Mar 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Kerstin Zechner

      Kerstin Zechner answered on 15 Mar 2010:

      At the moment, I’m looking at rows of genes in the worm that are copied simultaneously into RNA. Normally, genes are copied separately from DNA to RNA. At the end of the gene, there is a signal that tells the protein responsible for the DNA to RNA copying process to stop. Now, in these rows of genes that are copied together, each gene will have this “stop signal” at it’s end. However, the copying only stops at the last gene in the row. We are trying to understand how these stop signals are ignored in these rows of genes. I hope that’s clear 🙂 Let me know if you’re confused or want to know more!
