• Question: What made you want to find a cure for Familial hypercholesterolaemia?, do you know anyone with this genetic defect?

    Asked by josh to Liv on 15 Mar 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Olivia Hibbitt

      Olivia Hibbitt answered on 16 Mar 2010:

      Hi Josh,
      I got into this field because I am really interested in finding a way to treat genetic conditions and I find the cardiovascular system really interesting. I know quite a few people who have heart condtions, high cholesterol or have had heart attacks but my main motivation is interest. In science there are a LOT of routines things you have to do…..they can be VERY dull, so if you don’t have a genuine interest in the field then it can be hard to cope with. I really liked the idea of using genetics to treat a condition and I get to do some really awesome things with genes….making them in to delivery systems that make proteins that glow…that respond different ways in cells…it’s kind of like programming a computer!
